PAMM Rating

Rating of Managed accounts

Hide config

Managed account age, days

1 90 180 360

Manager's funds, USD

0 300 3 000 10 000

Profit for the period

Total profit (TP), %

-100 0 20 50

Risk level

Name Age, Days Total Profit % Profit factor Risk level Investments
19 AC-24-2022MK 799 -80,56 1,11 High risk €2 002,71
16 Alpha1-Multiasset-long 689 -88,10 1,30 High risk €2 285,39
43 Agh10135396 6 -92,16 0,12 High risk $78,38
44 Fxprofit86 % 2357 -98,03 0,70 High risk €5,92
45 BearLair conservative % 1743 -99,15 0,81 High risk $3,47
46 Cash24 % 2468 -99,21 0,44 High risk $2,36